Saturday, January 10, 2009

Add a Cool Slideshow of Picasa Photos to Your Blog

Picasa is a free photo management product by Google that I actually use for all my photos. The software organizes and can adjust your photo albums on your computer and then easily uploads them to your Picasa account. I love the ability to quickly upload pictures from my trips, etc and just send the url to my friends and family.
So if you already have a Picasa account and have pictures you’d like to include on your blog, you should check out this widget. If you don’t have Picasa yet, I highly recommend you download it for free by clicking on the link below.

After you select the photo album and settings you want to use, it gives you some code to paste into your site. You can either paste it into your post or add it to your sidebar by creating an html/javascript widget. Then just paste the code into the widget and save.
Here’s a screenshot of the widget being setup:
Notice how easy the setup process is. It provides the code to paste into your blog and then you’ll have a flash slideshow rotating through all your photos! Pretty cool. I was going to include a working demo but once you login to your account and start building a slideshow, it shows you real-time how it works. It’s worth checking out….enjoy!


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